Winnershow Amsterdam, news from England!

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3 heren die heel zielig kunnen kijken.....links Morgan, midden Ciro en rechts Morris!

Three guys who can really look pathetic…..left Morgan, middle Ciro and right Morris.

Winnershow Amsterdam. After two years remained at home for a change again participated with 5 dogs accompanied by Monquie van Heijster and Cecile Den Ouden. Results of a long but enjoyable day, the boys Morganyearling class 2EX, Morris limit class 3EX and Ciro Champ.class (open) EX. The girls JoJo puppy class 1VP and Jolene Champ.class 2nd EX and eventually she became reserve best bitch ……. all in all we can are very satisfied with these fine results.

The icing on the cake this day came from England where Luca, brother of JoJo, 2 x 2nd place and won it in the minor puppy and puppy class, Luca has now qualified for Crufts 2016 ……. ..super of course, make sure I want to be witnesses of Luca his 1st participation at Crufts!


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