Indy 13 years…!

 In Indy UK

A very special day today…Indy has reached the age of 13 years.

Of course this is celebrated in an appropriate way with, among other things Indy her favorite cake, the lady would prefer to have eaten the whole strawberry bavarois cake but that did not seem like a good idea 🙂

Indy, my foundation lady and tower of strength of which I can still enjoy every moment of the day and night. Given the fact that within our breed unfortunately many dogs do not reach the age of 10 years I am more than aware that every day and night which we we are allowed to share together is a precious gift.

Indy still enjoys every moment and every experience especially of the puppies, her maternal instinct is so strong that even at this age she wants to take care of a litter…and of course we grant her every time she indicates this.



Indy enjoying the Joyful litter…!

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