Jolene 13 years…

Yesterday we celebrated Jolene’s 13th birthday, of course in the usual way as you are used to from us…strawberry bavarois cake. Extremely blessed with this special age for a [...]

P-Litter, culinary journey

Week 3 the puppies have completed with the next step in their culinary journey! The amuse-bouche the puppies got from mom when they were not yet born and after their birth JoJo was ready with the [...]

A very black day…!

Yesterday, with a lot of pain in our hearts, we had to let go of my last Go With The Flow from the Beloved litter, J.J…. As fast as J.J. came into the world more than 15 years ago so [...]

P-Litter Week 1

The first week of the P-litter went well. Mama JoJo enjoys her little ones immensely and makes sure you can almost hear them grow. The nights are still very short for me because of the care for [...]

Puppies born

JoJo gave birth…the combination with Morgan and Kann gave us 10 beautiful puppies on March 31st, 3 girls and 7 boys, all black. The delivery went very smoothly, mom and her children are [...]