Liberty Litter week 6.

We were lucky last week with the weather, which made going outside a true celebration for the Liberty puppies. A pleasure to see how they experienced their new environment, with full dedication [...]

Liberty litter week 4…

This week was a busy one for the puppies. The potty training is in full swing, it made sure they needed more space, so it was time for a pen with newspapers in front of the whelping box so that [...]

L-Litter week 3…

e have the rhythm well, deworming was music to their ears and the manicure they all endure well … 234 nails, every week. Janis and her little ones are leasing to the eye, despite the crowds [...]

L-Litter week 1 and 2…

The first two weeks we had to get used to the rhythm..the care for Janis and her 13, less sleep and also the final preparations for the Championship clubmatch of the NFRV which took place on [...]