J-Litter week 2…

The 2nd week Jolene and her 12 miracles have passed well. The eyes are almost all open and they wobble quite nicely through the whelping box so we made this last week a bit bigger because it [...]

J-Litter week 1…

Today 1 week ago we were surprised with the birth of the 12 Go With The Flow miracles…the J-litter. Up to now, Jolene and her little ones are doing fine and we are very pleased with the [...]

Birth J-Litter.

Tuesday, day 59 of her pregnancy, Jolene thought it was time to show the world her puppies! The run-up to birth went according to the book, Tuesday morning Jolene was eating a bit with [...]

J-Litter born…

Our J – Litter born. Jolene with her newborn offspring.. Jolene gave us these beautiful 12 miracles yesterday. Not only much sooner than expected…also much more than expected! Mother [...]